Chobots Button Guide

Hello everyone,
Im here telling you about all the buttons in chobots what they do etc.

(Click to view larger)

Lets start with money.
When you click on the money button you see your finance report.
It tells you how much money you have earned, how much money you have spend money your invitees have earned and your bonus from your invitees.

Lets go to family.
The family button shows the accounts you have on with your email.
It says how long you have been online with your character your type of chat etc.

Moving on to emotions.
 The emotions button just shows different faces you can use. 
When you hover over them with your mouse it shows the meanings of the emotion.

Now for your friends list.
Your friends list shows all of your friends!
Here are what each persons status can hold (of friends).
Junior: 150

The red button is your offline friends the green button is your online friends and thee blue and green button is your robots team.
At the bottom the 1st button is invite the 2nd one is send a message the 3rd one is remove the 4th one is invite a friend the 5th one is pc and the last (6th) one is select all friends.

The rest will be updates soon!

Credits to: Silki